Dear Friend
We would like to know
1.What is your age and sex.
2.What about height of your parents.
Do you have any other medical illnes?
Height increases till a age, then it stops increasing.
If you don.t have any medical problems, i would not suggest you any medicine for that. Some people try hormones, but trust me interfering with hormones of your body can be serious.
If you are female with normal menstrual cycles, its unlikely that you have any problme.
If you are a male with no problems, you can just get your
thyroid test done, however its unlikely to be a cause.
I would suggest you to get us again with your details, We will try to find out if if have some medical problem.
Stay away from Newspaper & TV adverstisemnts claiming to increase your height
"Stature doesnt make difference, Acts does."
Dr Anshul , M.D.