I am 41 years old. About 3 weeks ago the soles of my feet began to feel stiff and tight. They don't hurt, rather, they feel in need of a really good massage. I would describe the feeling as moderate to extreme discomfort. Extreme when I wake in the morning or after a nap and moderate throughout the rest of the day. 5 days ago, I started to experience the same feeling in the palms of my hands. My palms are now quite red and I have a burning sensation in them. Again, not pain per se, but more discomfort. Massaging them seems to give some temporary relief. Just this week I had a blood/urine test done and my glucose after fasting came back at 85. My doctor had ordered these tests prior to my experiencing discomfort in my feet and hands because I had gestational diabetes during my 2nd pregnancy and I have a family history of diabetes. Everything else they tested for came back normal - cholesterol, triglycerides, etc. Not sure if this is related, but for the last 4 years (ever since the beginning of my 2nd pregnancy) I have had moderate to severe pelvic pain. My doctor did x-rays of my hips, pelvis and spine and everything came back normal. The pain is a severe aching that gets worse when I lay down to sleep and when I wake in the morning. It eases somewhat when I get up an move around, though long walks sometimes make it worse and sometimes make it feel better. I can't judge whether fatigue is something I'm experiencing or not, as I feel like I have been tired for the past 5 years, ever since the start of my first pregnancy. I can say that with a good night's sleep I do feel rested. I do not get enough exercise and have figured that this, as well as caring for two young children, is a factor in my not having enough energy. I am about 30 lbs overweight. What are the possible causes of these symptoms? Is it possible that these are indications of perimenopause, or something more serious?