CONCERNS: I ve noticed that my legs have been swelling mostly around the ankles.....Both ankles. It s not that bad, when compared to previous swelling issues but it is the longest - since about February. I did start a new desk job so I am sitting more. But I started that back in November, and most days I walk during my breaks and for 20 minutes during lunch. What is concerning me more is that my calf muscles are getting really tight. And, I have a bump now on my right calf that has moved a little bit; around this area, there’s also a sensation like my muscle might spasm. Mostly while at my work desk, I notice my muscles tightening in my calf, hamstring and into my inner thigh. It s slightly worse on my right leg. HISTORY/ETC: I m a 37 year old female; about 60lbs overweight. I exercise lightly about 2 to 3 times per week; have a history of issues with my IT Band in my right leg tightening, and tailbone issues. Due to the tailbone issues, I m unable to sit ergonomically correct” in my desk chair and therefore sit at a recline. I am currently taking 50mg per day of Sertraline (started about 8 weeks ago). ETC: I ve tried drinking more water, stretching more, and elevating legs - and it doesn t make a bit of difference. Most physical activity hasn t really bothered it....maybe walking a little bit. Thank you for your time:)