(My email address is: YYYY@YYYY ) I had a brain bleed in year ago, July 1916. No one knows the cause. I was found on the floor (carpeted) on the landing, second floor. I spent about 3 days in bed with wicked headaches and was finally convinced I should see a doctor. Went to an Urgent Care facility. They put me through tests, called an ambulance, and I spent 3-4 days in a hospital. I remember none of this (except my husband trying to get me up from the hallway). I have no idea how I got into bed afterwards.) MY Circumstances: Medical community is pushing me towards psychiatry. My balance is off, I can t think straight, nor am I able to hold a thought long enough to accomplish anything; (and now I am responsible for all and every household happening; my husband died of cancer about 6 months ago). This situation (my being totally responsible) is something I have dealt with throughout the saga of 57 years of marriage and 4 kids. I have seen three neurologists (one attached to the hospital, one recommended- prominent in dementia and Alzheimers, and I don t remember where the third came from) said I don t have any problems with dementia or ALZ. ( I used to be a master speller ) I have suffered from depression since 1974, and am now a few days into taking the real deal Prozac, as the generic is useless for me. I have been through almost all other medications and they seemed to stop working after some time, over the years. I have been through many years of therapy, (basically because our oldest daughter was an amazing (read horrible ) challenge beginning at age 12) and now I don t think, at age 76, that I need/want to pursue that avenue of health and wellness through therapy, once more. I have begun some supplement therapy - vitamins, etc., ...but not enough time has transpired yet, and I don t know if this will help. MY QUESTION: : Who do I call to find out about the brain damage I have? ( Your brain has healed...you need to see a shrink WHAT? Could there be additional brain damage from this horrible ocurrance?) These doctors do not know my history with pharma and therapy, as far as I know.. I wonder if this is a pat answer - no one has time to dig into the problem beyond the first layer. Shuffle shuffle ... somewhere there will be an answer...if she s lucky. I m sorry, but what I m seeing in the medical community is very disheartening and alarming, coming from my age and perspective. Thank you for whatever information, or opinions, you can give me! I feel pretty much at sea having nothing to get me out of this mess. If I must deal with life as it is, I probably will, but it seems like there should some other avenues I can still navigate to find some help. Thanks for your time and your thoughts on this mess. I so appreciate being able to have another chance to try to solve a miserable situation. I have totally left out my kids; they have been amazing and are doing their best to help wherever they can.