So a while ago I shaved, and I normally get razor burn most of the time that goes away a hour or so after. But I started realizing a larger bump. There is a center that is darker than the rest, and a ring of red around it, and both are completely hard. Its not on a bikini line or lips, the area above the clit. It s becoming swollen and very very painful and burns whenever I stand up or close my right leg to where my thigh touched it ( more located on right not center ) There is a larger hair in the center that I cannot tweeze because of the pain. Could this be a ingrown hair? I ve tried a hot compress, cold compress neither work. I m young and I really do not want to bring this up to my mother considering it could go away on its own. The area traveling near my hip has begun getting red and swell too. I have limited access to home remedies and would like to know common ways to reduce pain and swelling in this case? Thank you.