Hi I have discovered a large lump (rather visable) behind my ear and where my hair begins, it has been there for 2 weeks (that is when i felt it). now there is one above it and a small one below. I went to my gp, he did blood tests, he says all is clear, no infections, no cancers etc. he has now put me on penasilin medicine for 2 weeks. He says if theis medicine does not work, we will do a biopsy. I have had abnormal cells before, and have had to do a hystorectomy when i was 26. My grandfather died of colon cancer, my aunt died of breast cancer, my mother had cervical cancer and my other gran had cancer all over her body. I am now 32, about 5.2. My question is that if these lumps do not go away, and the blood tests were clear, is it possible to still have cancer?