I am post menopausal (had no problems with menopause at all and it finished about 4 or 5 years ago), and have just been diagnosed with viral bronchitis... sometimes the mucus I cough up is so think it s chunky. For the past 10 days I have coughed violently, sometimes for many hours at a time, so much so that it s been hard to keep from peeing in my clothes or pajamas when I cough. (I went to the doctor two days ago and am working on the bronchitis now.) This morning when I peed, I noticed a little burning at the end of urination. Then for a little while I felt like I really had to pee again right away. But little pee came out. The next time I peed there was a little pink on the toilet paper. Then I looked in the toilet and saw a small red discharge, kind of like I used to see when I had my period. I haven t bled since end of menopause. Could the extreme coughing have caused a tear in something? Please help me not to freak out. Thanks