I had a late miscarriage (15 weeks in). About a week ago I had extremely heavy bleeding, soaked through two pairs of pants, then the bleeding slowed down drastically almost like an end of period (last day or so) flow. Two days ago I was sleeping and woke up covered in blood. I sat up and felt something pass. Went to the bathroom and dugong from the length a 15 week fetus was in my underwear. I've been bleeding on and off, not too heavy for the most part but heavier than a normal period, which I expected. In between heavy bouts of bleeding I experience a very watered down blood tinged discharge coupled with heavier than normal cramping. It almost feels like I'm peeing. I had this same discharge for approximately 3 weeks prior to the miscarriage and also had some spotting in this time. Actually, as I'm typing this I just completely soaked a fresh pad with blood. I had to run to the bathroom because I felt more than the pad could handle coming out. Any thoughts? Please be a free service...