Hello, I have had some slightly chapped lips from working outside with horses in the wind and dirt. I have been applying chapstick all the time. Yesterday, it felt like hurt a bit in the center of my lips like might had chapped thru center. I also ate some Hot and Spicy Sunflower seeds and most likely got some hot stuff on lips. Last night prior to bed my lip was really stinging from the hot water in the shower. I took a better look at it and I noticed one white spot about the size of a pencil lead point, that is where it is stinging. I kind of pressed on it, scrubbing and cleaning my lips to make sure I have all the chapstick and possible dirt from applying chapstick while working outside in the dirt. I noticed a little liquid coming from it, like you would see on say a new red paper cut on your hand . I also realized that my lip is swollen like it has fluid in it, in front and behind the white spot. I do get canker soars inside my mouth quite often from chewing gum and citrus , but after researching I don t see that I can get them on my lips. I m 40, married with a 6 year old and dont really share drinks, but read that cold sores (fever Blisters) start with tinny white spots. This is clearly One white spot. Last night I took an Aleve , Minerals, Amino Acids, Immune Support, Acidophilis, Applied Oil of Oregino & Sulfer to it. It felt better and was able to sleep. FYI, 10 years ago this happend to me. But I started sqeezing on it like a pimple and turned it into a big soar that liked like a blister so dentist thought it was a Cold Sore, and figured it was just inflamed from me squeezing on it, and perscribed me something for that (Oral) It did go away after a couple of weeks. But my lip was huge where I could barely speak and looked deformed. I have seen many people with cold soars over the years and 10 years ago it looked nothing like a cold soar I have ever seen. The white soar is in the center of my lip and hurts like a canker soar and swelling and red around it to the front and back side has the most swelling. Oil of Oregano & Sulfer during the night made it comfortable and I believe had I not done or taken anything it would be much more swollen. (FYI, I do eat lots of hot sauces) I m thinking infection rather than an allergy, I haven t eaten or been around anything new., I have had 2 huge swelling responses in the past 2 years from Bee Stings which is new, they used to just be small and itchy, but now I do react by swelling huge. What say you?