Thanks for the query to H.C.M. Forum.
After going through your query there may be following possibilities as,
pleural effusion present on both side right & left pleurae .
Pleural effusion may be due to ,
Tuberculosis , this is the most common cause . Diagnosis can be confirmed by aspiration of fluid by a needle and culture of this fluid. However physical examination of aspirated fluid also gives important clue.
2 Carcinoma , diagnosis can be confirmed by tapping the fluid from pleurae , so clinician will find out the nature of fluid.
3 Idiopathic reason , sometimes it is very difficult to find out the cause then only option is to aspirate the fluid.
The serum value of IG E ia normal ( 10-179 I U /ml),
thyroid has nothing to do with this at this moment.
consult a pulmonologist and get his opinion and treatment .
Good luck.