Your symtoms indicate esophsgitis.
esophagitis is inflammation of ophageal mucosa . it can be allergic, infective or reflux, due to forceful swallowing of hard substance ( a big pill) etc.
To manage-
Have a bland diet at room tempreture., with sips of liquids to assist swallowing.
Actually cold milk is ideal . Prilosec is omeprezol -You can take it along with dietary management . it can be supplimented by b complex syrup.
Avoid sleeping within 4 hrs of food.
If you have burning /pain /please raise head end when you sleep.
You should oberve this regeim for 10 days & if no releaf- pl.
consult a gastroenterologist.
PLEASE do not worry.
these symptoms are not suggestive of
gall bladder problem.
You can avoid gall stone formation by
- maintaining ideal weight by taking healthy food, exercizes
overweight increases the risk of
gall stones if you realy need to reduce-go slow. do it by reducing exessive calories,& exersizes.
pl stick to a definete eating schedule . do not skip a meal.
Take care, Thank you.