Hi friend,
Welcome to Health Care Magic
You need to be investigated for Coronary
Artery Disease.
It is an indication for further work up – because at times, there may be false positive or false negatives. The next step is TMT (Treadmill Exercise ECG) with thallium isotope. It is the ideal non-invasive way to evaluate
ischemia / to assess the PHYSIOLOGY (function) – to see whether the blood arriving at the heart muscle.
If there is a suggestion, the next step is to see the ANATOMY (structure) – undergo catheterisation and coronary
angiography with a view for possible intervention. It is the only way to directly ‘see’ the block, if any – and its location, extent, severity and so on. Coronary arteriography is invasive but it is the gold standard for this. CT angio is non-invasive study for the anatomy. If positive, she will need catheterisation, anyway.
The aim of any investigation is to modify the treatment, based on the result.
Intervention – dilatation with balloon and placing a
stent (
Angioplasty) - or CABG (Coronary Artery Bypass Graft) may be advised based on the results.
Take care
Wishing all well
God bless
Good luck