For the past 3 days every so often i get a stitch like discomfort on the left side of my chest directly above my heart. It is difficult to breath in or out whilst the stitch lasts and shocks me when it happens. I used to have this discomfort in my diaphragm when i was younger where i couldn t breath in or out. I am 21 and live a healthy lifestyle but have suffered from palpitations and fainted regularly during my last pregnancy . I have also come over in cold sweats in the past and palpitations have felt like i was going to die at times, although this has stopped in the past year or so. What do you think is going on??? It s definitely not heart burn, i have had heart burn before this is different. Jackie- Trapped wind ? fyi my digestive tract is not up in my chest! David Hh, My left arm feels totally exhausted! and it s gradually getting worse, I have had a pain just below my collar bone (jugular vein) on and off for many years and weakness in my left arm. I think i will definitely see a doctor now. Julie-Ann This is not near any digestive organ, so IS NOT related to it.