two and a half years ago i had a bad feeling that used to make me so depressed and afraid that something bad will happen even though there was nothing to fear , i went to a psychiatrist and he gave me DEANXIT , XANAX and SERTRALINE , i took deanxit and xanax for a month and gradually withdraw them, and i continued on SERTRALINE for almost two years. recently i felt a bad tightness in my chest and shortness of breath so a GP gave me DEANXIT and Singulair , i started to feel very well and even my mood was so great .... but when i stopped taking the deanxit (even with gradual withdrawal) i started to feel like before (worried, depressed, heart beating, hands and feet sweating) .... i returned to my psychiatrist and he put me on SERTRALINE 50 mg half a pill every two days ... now i have been off deanxit for 3 weeks and i feel so tired ... can you help me please