Hello, I was suspecting mold problem in our house for a while. I've been having different comlains which were becoming more systematic and my son (very healthy 5 years old) was recently diagnosed with mild asthma and food allergies. He had 2 years ago a few ears infections which ended up with tonsils and adenoids removal, now I'm wondering if this could've been due to the mold exposure? Also complains like "my head hurts or my head feels dizzy" only in the morning when he wakes up, happend a couple of times. He is a very healty boy so complains like that make me worry. Should I do blood test to confirm mold exposure? What the treatment would be? We moved to different part of the house and I saw immediate improvements like: my son does not cough at night and I feel so much better in the morning; not stuffed and nauseus, and not so tired anymore. What doctor should I go to?