Hi Welcome to HCM.
Since you are saying she is rubbing her eyes, there are two things to consider:
Allergic Conjunctivitis (where itching is irresistible )
- secondary
refractive error due to rubbing effect over cornea(
With her growing age in consideration, and difference in power between both eyes, it is wise to get the glasses at the earliest. As binocular full correction is needed to keep both eyes straight, and to avoid lazy eye/
squint formation in later stages, glasses are a must.
Revisit your doctor after buying glasses and let him check again for any signs of
allergy in her eyes, which has to be treatedwith topical eye drops, to avoid further rubbing and corneal damage. If possible get a corneal topography done to rule out
keratoconus ( cone shaped cornea).
As long as her vision is 20/20 with glasses with no other significant ocular problems, your daughter should be fine with regular ophthalmic visits as adviced.
If her vision is below 20/20, then she needs Occlusion therapy, where in the good eye is closed for a calculated number of hours ,so the weak eye is stimulated to improve the vision. With frequent reviews,your ophthalmologist will suggest you when to stop it, as the needed vision is achieved in that eye. This is a regular procedure for such powers so nothing to worry.
Buy the glasses and give your child the best possible vision she can enjoy. Take care.