My son is 5+ yrs old, weight :19 kgs. He was diagonised with childhood asthma at the Age of 1.5 years, used to get wheezing attacks regularly and advised of Asthalin inhalers for couple of years.We stay in bangalore, we find it really difficult during the winter season (Nov till feb) every year. 2 days back he got caught with cold\caugh (no fever) from school, as he also developed Wheezing we have started Asthalin (2.5ml respule) to begin every 8hrs, as the wheezing was more we are giving it on 4hr basis now. We have also givien 4 ml of hicet and 4ml of One-Al syrup once around 5 hrs back. Should we start Budecort (o.5 mg\2ml) respule nebulization also parallelly ? if yes what is the required dose ? period ? I will be vising our Pediatrician tomorrow , as its a lete mid night here.