Hello Doctor,
My daughter 9 years old, had mild temperature four days back and had cold and complained throat and ear pain.
She is on Roxid and Allegra now for three days and to continue for another two days more. She falls sick very often.
Two years back she had pneumonia and was treated then urinary infection and my doctor advised me for a routine blood smear test and CRP test, the result says, haemoglobin - 11.8gms, Total WBC count 8,800 cells, neutrophils 56%, Lymphocytes 38%, Eosinophils - 06%, ESR - 30Min - 05mm, 60min - 12mm, RBC count - 3.9million, Platelet count - 2.18lakhs, PCV - 35%, MCV 89.7fl, MCh-30.2pg, MChc-33.7%, CRP - 15.8mgs/dl, her urine reports are all negative. Please advise why the crp level shows high.