My son, 11, has very stinky hands (and feet ). The only time it gets better is when he takes an oral anti- fungal . There also seems to be excess skin padding on hands and feet. You can tell because they are bright white when he comes out of the shower. He was treated one time with a series of creams that seemed to remove the skin producing normal looking hands, but then, a couple of days later it was back to the way it was before. He was at a meeting where tons of dermatologists walked through, examined him, took pictures, but the results were not helpful. His hands are also always wet and sweaty, or really hot and dry. Poor thing has been picked on quite a bit and now with cotillion and girls, well it is starting to wear him down. The final thing about his hands is when the get dirty from being outside, and playing the dirt will not come off except in the shower. I think from using his hands to wash his hair. Anything less, leaves the appearance of dirt behind.