Bit worried about my 2year old (3 in August), has been off her food all day, eaten very little. Has had a temp for a good part of the day. Haven t long put her to bed and she went down quite well, not as much fuss as usual. Seems pretty much normal in her self, was a bit tired earlier, bit more clingy, no congestion, diorreah, nothing.. weeing & pooing as normal. Chatting and paying normally. Back also feels a bit hotter then the rest of her to. Not sure wether to have a doc come out to her now or wait till morn and see how she is & keep eye on her and take her up hopsital (as docs shut) if need to? I am a bit of a worrier and she doesn t often get ill at all, just worried it could be something bad?? she has no rash or anything. Her Dad also got diagnosed on Monday with tonsilitus ( viral ) can this be passed on? should I be worried about this?? Thank you.