My grandson is running a high grade fever of 104 give or take. We are keeping it controlled between 100 -101 degrees with Ibprofin every 8 hrs. and acetaphetamine every 4. This is the second day. Today we took him to a PA to be examined. Ears, throat and lungs looked and sounded good. Three days ago (and I think he felt warm even that same night) he had gotten into the cat litter, and before my son could get to him to wash his hands, he grabbed food off the table and ate it. We mentioned this to the PA who said the feline virus associated with this could be tested for, but because there was no cure and it would have to run its course she recommended we wait another day or two. However, we are up against a weekend and my kids don't have insurance nor money for an ER visit if he needs attention before Monday. She did notice his lymph nodes were slightly enlarged. His appetite is off, he sleeps fitfully and groans, doesn't seem to be tender in the abdomen (our observation not hers), and he's not having diarreaha as of today (one dark green diaper. He's 18 mos. old. Not sure what more I can tell you. I'm wondering about the spleen? Thank you for your help.