hi and thanks for the query. First of all you should be appreciated for purely breast feeding your baby. Its the best gift you can give your baby at this stage.
A feully brest fed baby will pass a yellow semi solid stool 5 to 6 times per day or after every feed.However, even a single formula feed can cause
constipation. She must be crying due to
colic which is common in babies of this age.
The commonest cause of constipation in this age group is insufficient feed. A breast fed baby getting sufficient feed will have 6 to 7 semisolid bowel movements per day, pass regular urine and gain 20 to 30 gms everyday in the initial 2 to 3 months.
Kindly follow the following advise for yourself and your baby.
1. Feed your baby on demand( not acc to time) which will be appx every 2 to 3 hours.
2. Feed from one breast at one feed till the baby completely empties it. For the next feed, feed from the other breast. This will help in having enough milk and good let down reflex for the feeding time.
3.Ensure the baby latches on well and has a strong sucking reflex. Feed while keeping the baby semiupright in your elbow crook even during night feeds.
4.You HAVE to burp the baby after every feed. This is most important to prevent colic.
5. too much water may decrease baby's appetite, so keep a limit .
6. As for your diet, you have to take plenty of fluids, orange juice, soups, and healthy regular food as baby gets its nutrients and fluids through you.
Hope you are reassured. Happy Parenting