Hi Dr. Keerthi, My son was induced with potosin and his heart stopped. He was born via C-section. He remained light purple in color for a long time. He never formed a real stool . At one month old he received his 1st vaccine and went into a comma. He was placed in the hospital with a low co2 count of 12 and a high White blood cell count of 20,000. He eventually turned white but has had hypotonia on the left side of his body, many food allergies , only milk left now at 11 years old. He couldn t walk or talk untill very late. His processing form one side of brain to the other in not present. He has a wide gait, no coordination and shows some aspberger symptoms. I believe that he suffered TBI during the second round of potocin when the fetal monitors where placed on his head and his heart stopped. It took them many minutes to take him out. The first round of Potocin his heart rate dropped on belly monitors and my stomach was shook by a nurse and oxygen was given to me and they monitored by heart rate. What do you think? Thank you, Concered parent