Thank you for the query.
Mitochondrial disese is a result of failure from the mitochondria, specialized compartments present in every cell of the body except RBC. when they fail, less energy is generated in the cell leading to cell
injury and death of cell follows.
They appear to cause most damage to cells of brain,skeletal muscles,
kidney, endocrines and respiratory system leading to symptoms including loss of
motor control ,
muscle weakness and pain,GI disorders , swallowing difficulty and poor growth, seizures,developmental delay and susceptability to infections.
Yes, there is chance for the dental problems (cavities) developing due to
mitochondrial disease as the child is more susceptable to infections .
I would suggest you to follow the treatment as told by your doctor and keep the oral cavity clean to avoid any infections and a regular visit for every1 month or 2 months is good.
Hope i have answered your query.