My 3 year old had 2 seizures last year and was put on Keppra, which severely affected his behavior so we switched to Trileptal, which made him vomit often. After 6 months we took him off the meds and have had no problems, but lately if he gets too hot while he is sleeping he starts screaming and thrashing in his sleep, mostly his legs, and is completely unresponsive for a few minutes, then when he starts quieting down is gasping for breath like its very difficult for him. As soon as the screaming stops it seems like he is asleep and his body is continuing to react, his legs keep thrashing but with slowing kicks. He is difficult to get a response from even afterwards and when I do he has no idea anything even happened and falls immediately asleep. Some nights this happens 3 or 4 times a night. Could this be more seizures?