vomiting do you mean spitting of milk?
Are you giving her breast feeds or formula feeds? Exclusive breast milk till 6 months of age is best for your baby.
Its quite common for small infants to spit up as the junction between the stomach and food pipe is lax and so the milk that enters the stomach again comes up. This gradually gets okay when infants gain weight and grow.
To prevent this spitting up,
- after feeds keep the baby vertical for about half an hour atleast
- do not rock her
- always burp her after each feeds, by placing her on your shoulders with her tummy on your chest and gently pat on her back between the shoulder blades till she burps out the air.
This burping helps in reducing the spitting frequency and also the tummy aches.
For her tummy ache, along with burping, give
massage to the tummy routinely... around the belly button and in the form of inverted L and inverted U. You may also keep a warm towel on her tummy when she cries.
Many infants pass small amounts of stools, when they pass gas. If its not watery, you need not worry.
For nasal block, give her nasoclear drops that has saline- every 6 hrs. If you see some secretions, try to wipe it off gently with a cotton cloth/ mucus aspirator. But please don not forget to be gentle.
Do not use big pillows for infants. It might block the airway too. Just fold a towel and keep it below her shoulder blades.
And do not overfeed her. Feed her whenever she demands.
If she is not gaining weight, then she might need medications to prevent spitting.
Hope my answer helps you.
Best wishes.