My grand son was born 2-3 weeks early,wt 5 lbs 11oz ht 19". Csection due to contractions stopping, head engaged in cervix, presentation face up. Since birth he has had a lot of gas, has been breast fed with supplements of similac with iron. At his 2 month checkup his head size went from the 50th per entitle to 97 percentile, his Dr. Sent him for an ultrasound and the diagnosis of external hydrocephalus was given. What are the soft signs associated with this diagnosis. The pediatrician had some concerns about one of his ear lobes having a slight deviation and the placement of his eyes. She is referring him to a peds endo and has suggested seeing a geneticist. What could we be looking at with these signs and symptoms. He has a tendency to lean his head to the right and the neck muscles seem tight, the pediatrician gave my daughter exercises to do. He is fussy usually at night, fights sleep and does not sleep well in the crib, only for short periods of time15-30 min. Therefore, he sleeps in a rocker device quite a lot.