Tonsillitis bacterial or viral, and viral is usually a self limiting condition, i.e. it gets better without treatment,
I would advise:
1. Avoid spicy foods, chocolates, milk-based sweets, sour substances, curds, butter milk, cool drinks and fried substances
2. Warm water gargle may be soothing.
3. Avoid passive
cigarette smoking and atmospheric pollution.
4. Avoid out sided food.
5. Maintain hygiene.
6. Frequently remind your child about the importance of proper hand-washing, especially when around people who appear sick. Also tell your child not to share toothbrushes or eating utensils with other children.
7. Avoid close contact with others who are sick. If possible, keep your child away from children who are known to have tonsillitis or
sore throat.
8. Eat foods that are soft and easy to swallow.
9. Your child may need surgery if he has chronic or
recurrent tonsillitis. Surgery is also done if antibiotics are not getting rid of his tonsillitis.
Home remedies:
1. Hot fomentation on the front of the neck for about two to three times during the day can help in decongestion.
2. Camomile tea has enormous benefits and when made with honey and lemon can provide relief from the pain associated with tonsillitis.
3. Another home remedy for tonsillitis is cutting a lemon into half and then pressing salt and black pepper into it. Heat the lemon and then suck on it till no juice is left
Thanks for using Health Care Magic
I wish your child good health
Regards: Dr.Sagar Mhatre