According to your life style and food style,IBS may be converted in to a chronic disease. People with IBS
,more common than others, have gastroesophageal reflux associated with frequent dirrhea or
constipation. The important symptoms of IBS are ,
abdominal pain , flatulance , uncontrolled burping ,
neusia , anxity and
My advice is
Avoid milk and milk products .
Avoid over eating and improper cooked foods.
Regular exercise such as swimming , walking ,or running may reduce the severiety of symptoms.
Yoga and
meditation will help to reduce depression and anxity.
Drink Butter milk add with Asafoetida powder twice daily.
Mint oil gel capsules or Garlic oil gel capsules is more benificial for IBS patients.
Mix lemen juice , ginger juice , coriander leaf juice honey with warm water ,drink daily after meals .