Chronic neck pain last 6 months, told I have two discs degenerated, now having left shoulder pain, and left upper muscle pain, this also travels down my arm right down to my fingers where I get pins and needles.
I am an archer and thought it may be a rotator cuff injury, but seems to involve my neck, shoulder and arm so not sure.
Have been exercising neck ,shoulder and neck but unsure if this is the correct thing to be doing.
I suffer from chronic de- mylinating polynuropathy, in sure if this is causing the problem
Also get pain on movement of arm, up and down, strewing out, and behind my back, unable to fasten bra strap etc.
Had steroid injection into shoulder 5 months ago helped initially but now worse than ever.
My main concern is that my mother was diagnosed with a torn shoulder muscle, but turned out to be non Hodgkin lymphoma, so this is obviously playing on my mind, although a lot of archers do suffer from shoulder problems at times. Grinding, crunching noises on movement of neck and rotation of shoulder, any advise would be much appreciated especially after my mothers terminal diagnosis, from which she sadly died