Hi, welcome to healthcare magic
diarrhoea is defined as loose stools that last at least 4 weeks, you stated that your problem has been occuring for at least 2 months.
Causes include: irritable bowel syndrome- one of the most common causes of chronic diarhoea- it may be diagnosed after other conditions are ruled out.
inflammatory bowel disease- examples include
Crohns disease,
ulcerative colitis, there are other types of inflammatory bowel disease but these two are the most common. In ulcerative colitis and crohns the body is attacking the bowel. Changes can be seen when scoping is done which may be indicative of these conditions.
hormonal problems such as high levels of
thyroid hormone
food allergy or sensitivity
medications- prescription and non prescription herbs and dietary supplement can sometimes have diarrhoea as a side effect
Chronic diarhoea is usually assess with blood, stool and urine tests, if no answer is provided with these tests then procedures such as sigmoidscopy is done.
I hope that this information helpful