Dear friend,
I am Dr. (Col) R Karanwal, M.D. (Internal Medicine), Consultant Physician, for your assistance.
Thanks for reposing your faith in me and post your query on this website. I fully appreciate your concerns.
If you had visited my Clinic for consultation, my course of action would have been :-
1. Firstly, do you suffer from
depression (mental
stress, sleep disturbances,
lethargy, difficulty in concentrating, disinclination to work etc..)?
2. If the answer is no, I would strongly advise you NOT to take anti-depressants, merely based on findings of memory testing.
Please feel free to revert back to me in case of further clarifications, if any.
I am confident that you will benefit from the advice.
May I assure you that I am always available for your assistance. My endeavor would always be to give you a sound
medical advice, to the best of my knowledge and vast experience.
Fond Regards,
Dr.(Col) R Karanwal
MBBS; M.D. (Internal Medicine)
Consultant Physician
(PLEASE NOTE :- My opinion/advice is based SOLELY on the details provided by you.)