I have these what feels like a cluster of lumps throughout the middle region of my abdomen that sits on both sides of abdomen, about 2-3 inches from the center and goes down to just above my belly button. Only about 3-4 of these several lumps hurt when pressed, otherwise they are not seen or felt. I have assumed most of it is fatty tissue, but worried the ones that hurt, and seem grounded (do not move when pushed in or pushed around) are tumors, or what is very unknown to many in medical fields, dercums disease. It has been like this for the past 12 days. I am white, 26, male, in good health otherwise, eat fairly well, exercise 7 times a week, generally about 2-2.5 hours. No family history of diseases, except type 2 diabetes on my fathers side. But all who has it got it after they turned 60. Should I be worried? I have read a few forums where people complain of this, and complain their doctors and er doctors are absolutely clueless. I am in a bit of a panic.