I had a complete hysterectomy in 2010, both ovaries removed. I was 48. I was put immediately put on 1mg estradiol. I have been through Hades since then! Within 6 months I had lost half my hair, I started growing peach fuzz on my cheeks!! What caused that?! I was on 1 mg estradiol but still losing hair on the top of my head and growing facial hair? I don't understand that.
I'm still not straightened out. I'm on a higher dose of bio identical HRT now and most of the shedding has stopped but I'm still only growing new hair around the neck line and sides off my face. Not on top of my head. I had, pre-op, hair SO thick is why I'm not bald already, but my scalp is showing now. And now that my scalp has stopped shedding, it ITCHING all the time. What's going on? Please help.
Signed, Just Shoot Me