hello and welcome to health care magic,
I am Dr Sriram Nathan an ENT surgeon and I shall try to help you out with your problem.
You seem to have a multitude of problem so let us go through them one by one and try to get a permanent solution:
1. For your throat, you are frequently clearing your throat and you have lots of mucous in the morning. You may consider these:
-do not frequently clear your throat
-do not take anything
cold or spicy or oily
-do not strain your voice (no whisper and shout and do not speak for long period)
-take a course of anti
reflux medication like the
pantoprazole for at least two weeks
-google on the net about ANTIREFLUX MEASURES AND VOCAL HYGIENE and follow them religiously
-if nothing works then get an
endoscopy done of the upper GI and get back to me of any ENT with the report
2. For the nose. You seem to have a block of the nose and hence it is dry. It can be due to a multitude of causes. You may ponder on these:
-take steam inhalation with menthol two to three times in a day and see if that helps
-do not be in the direct blast of the Ac or the Fan
-take a course of antihistamine like levocetrizine in consultation with your doctor
-do not take anything cold and stay away from dust
-if nothing works then you must take a CT PNS and get back to me or any ENT surgeon with the reports
finally do not over medicate and try doing breathing exercises and reduce your
stress levels
hope this helps
get well soon
Dr Sriram nathan