My brother-in-law diagnosed with conjestive heart failure on 6-29- at ER, they gave him? some kind of shot because of the extreme edema in his legs and feet and wanted him to stay in hospital, he refused ( from old school if you can t pay don t do it) ANyway, on Friday he went to his regular doctor who prescribed a pill to eliminate the liquids from lungs I think, its not working, Today, I am very concerned his legs and feet are very swolllen, he is vomiting blood and will not go to ER, insists on waiting until his dr. appt. on Friday. Can someone call an ambulance for someoone else even if they refuse to go to the hospital, I know he won tlet the paramedics take him.......Just so worried and don t know what to do. He is 77 yrs. old and such an wonderful person. He also won t apply for medicare, I am pretty sure he would qualify. No, he doesn t drink alcohol now, he quit about 20 years ago, but was a heavy drinker at that time. I CANNOT POSSIBLY DECIDE A BEST ANSWER THERE ARE TOO MANY. I APPRECIATE ALL OF YOU THAT TOOK THE TIME TO ANSWER MY VERY SERIOUS QUESTION, SO LET THE VOTING BEGIN.....