Noted your detailed history about IBS,
colonoscopy, opinion of a Gastroenterologist, getting control with but now fatty greasy stools with
constipation, incomplete evacuation for the last 2 days.
The commonest causes can be:
IBS as you had it.
Change of bowel habits due to changed lifestyle, working and so on.
Pancreatic insufficiency can cause fatty and undigested material appear in stool.
Hence I would advise you the following in such a situation:
Consult a Gastroenterologist again for clinical evaluation.
Investigations of blood for routine tests,
diabetes, thyroid, liver and pancreas function.
Tests of stool.
CT scan of abdomen.
Review colonoscopy and biopsy if needed.
All these things will lead to a proper diagnosis and thus have a plan of proper management.
Identify the foods and beverages that cause the problems and stop these.
Take stool softeners and laxative as per requirement.
Reduce stress and anxiety.
Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr. T Chandrakant,
General Surgeon