Hello. On 5/20/13, my boyfriend and I had protected sex (Latex condom) and he even pulled out prior to ejaculating. I felt panicked after realizing that it was technically the day before I ovulated (According to the Period Tracker app) and so I went to the store five hours later and took a morning after pill (Next Choice-One Dose). I felt nauseated after taking the pill but did not have any serious side effects. Additionally, on 05/27/13, we had protected sex again but stopped prior to him climaxing. A day before my period was supposed to start (06/01/13), I started having light spotting...first brown then red in color. The spotting has continued until today 06/04/13. Sometimes when I wipe, the blood is bright red and at other times it is brown. I ve also experienced some cramping in my lower abdomen. Yesterday I freaked out and took a First Response pregnancy test that was negative. Please help. This is the first time that I took the Morning After Pill and am seriously concerned that I may be pregnant. Are my symptoms a normative response to taking the Morning after pill during ovulation or is there a chance that I am pregnant (but it s too early for the test to detect it yet). Thanks in advance.