Hello! Just been googling and this popped up! on my 8th dose since February this year, mostly Chest infections, some lasting a prolonged three weeks, and this current one, a recurrence of one that started in early November. Reared up last week as a thick green head cold ...and within 5 days became a full on chest infection. My bloods are all good, high iron, B 12 fine etc etc. Just can t figure out why so may doses?! My Mum s a former nurse...she always tends to be right...and here theory is it s an allergy to my cat! Have had her 6 years....and come to think of it...have had quite a few doses in last few years....with exception of 2011, when i was away alot/outdoors alot also. Kind Regards, Lorraine, 38 female vegetarian, generally really healthy. :)