Hi, my name is Emily, and i am just wondering if maybe i can be pregnant, i had a light period and on one day passed 2-3 huge clotts, about a week after having this period (it was a few days late), i had a few days with no period then on the 3rd or fourth day of NOT having my period i starting passing white discharge (mucus) with brown blood and a few times with pink blood, and i've been spotting on and off, having abdominal cramps, i've been having beyond frequent urination at least 2-3times every half hour, ive felt nauceous a few times and a bit irritated but more tired than usual................i was on birth control for less than 2 weeks and got this period about 20-22days after i had stopped, i also found out i took the birth control wrong and on top of that i was told that you should wait a week after taking the birth control before having unprotected sex and i only waited 5days and on top of that was taking the birth control wrong...........i'm just wondering wut this could be or mean, the spotting has now been a very light pink sometimes really light and sometimes a little more pinkish