I am 32 years male i had a protected sex with sex worker but i had also oral sex with sex worker after approx months i have tested with HIV but result was negative after eight months i undergone with siemen test and the report is as under total volume 30 ml reaction alkaline viscosity normal T I am 32 years male having two children, in the month of Oct 2010 i had a protected sex with sex worker but i had also oral sex with the same worker. after two months my wife has reported to me that she suffering from burning sensation during intercourse, but i ignored it. after few days my wife get red rashesh on her vagina and i have also red rashes on my penis and then we both reported to the Dr then Dr had tested with my wife with urine culture and my wife got infected and i have tested in the end of Mar 2011 with HIV but report was negative, vdrl-negative, urine re/me-normal and Dr has advised me to get also tested with siemen test but due to some work i have not tested with the same. then Dr has given us antibiotic we get rid from the same. after five months means month of Jun 2011 i had undergone with siemen test and the report is as under total volume 3.0 ml reaction alkaline viscosity normal T/Count-19 million, motility-active-45%, sluggish-25%, dead-30%, pus cell 4-5/HPF, could u advise me that low siemen should be chances of AIDS or STD or presence of PUS cell is chances of AIDS or STD.