Hello, and I hope I can help you today.
First of all, if you did two home
pregnancy tests within two weeks of your act of
unprotected intercourse, the result should be accurate and there is no reason to suspect that you are pregnant.
In addition, as you already mentioned, many women can have
irregular periods in hormone levels to being worried about pregnancy. In addition, your
PCOS problem commonly results in ovulation problems and many women with have fertility problems. Furthermore, the new medication Glut-4 that you are taking is not marketed as a pill, so it is not possible for me to know whether the physical symptoms you describe are side effects of your new medication.
But in summary, based on all of the information you have given me, there is a way that you could be pregnant. I suggest continued follow-up with your local physician and possibly consulting with an
infertility specialist if you desire pregnancy.
If you do not desire pregnancy, going on birth control pills can give you regular menstrual cycles and prevent accidental pregnancy very effectively.
I hope that I was able to adequately answer your question today, and that this information was reassuring.
Best wishes,
Dr. Brown