As of yesterday i suddenly noticed when i left work i could'nt drive due to severe blury vision. The blury vision has continued into today. For the last four days prior to this condition , I had symptoms of dry mouth night and day and had to drink water every half hour accompanied with frequent urination every hour during the night and every two hours during the day. I have been fighting a bad cold for about a week during which time I have been killing my constant thirst with water and orange juice, alternating each,.These symptoms are still here, all of them. I borrowed my fathers blood sugar tester and tried it three times, the tester says my blood sugar is at 551. I am a male aged 5' 10 " , 48 yrs old and overweight for last 6 years, aprox 330 lbs, and one more thing, today i noticed somehow i've lost 20lbs.
thanks in advance, Domingos