My fiancee has been quite ill for a few months. We took her to the emergency the other night and recieved news that she is HIV+. She breastfeed our daughter, and while we are hoping for the best, we are trying to prepare for the worst. We have disclosed her status to our close families, loved ones, and past sexual partners. We are trying to decide what to tell others that we do not wish to disclose her and our daughters HIV status to. This is especially important for our employers. In your opinion, what would be a reasonable disease that can passed from mother to child and would explain her declining health over the past months. We wish to keep the matter private, but not skirt the seriousness of the situation as time off has and will be taken, and people are worried and asking about her diagnoses. I am also concerned about explaining future hospital stays and illnesses she and my daughter may have to the not so close family and friends who will be asking.