I can understand your concern.
TMJ problems can sometimes contribute to the
vertigo problems a patient may experience.
In addition, as your jaw is making cracking and popping sounds every time you open the jaw, it adds to the diagnosis of the TMJ problems. However, the watery and
dry eyes problems you are experiencing is not associated with the TMJ problem. It might be an effect of the vertigo you are experiencing. Regarding TMJ, the problems may include subluxation of the TMJ,
degenerative joint disease or infection in relation with the joint.
As you do not have any ear or neck related problem, I would recommend you to visit an oral and maxillofacial surgeon for examination of the TMJ. You might have to go through x-ray and
CT Scan of the joint for diagnosis of the problem. Based on the results, confirmed diagnosis and treatment can be suggested.
I hope this information helps you. Thank you for choosing HCM. I wish you feel better soon.
Dr. Viraj Shah