I m 75, weight 210, and I m about 6 tall. I have been diagnosed with hypoglycemia. Had an attack while taking a 5 hr diabetes test. No diabetes, but I do have hypoglycemia. I have been able to manage this with diet (less sugar, much less caffeine, limit alcohol to no more than one glass of wine/day on a full stomach, and frequent large snacks). I have stenosis causing a pitched nerve in the 4th vertebrae of the lumbar area. Had successful back surgery for stenosis in the 4th and 5th vertebrae last Nov. Had an MRI done a couple of weeks ago. The recommendation now is for an epidural. My question: I m prone to passing out. I always said I only pass out when I m tired and there is an emotional trigger. I think it was a combination of low blood sugar due to the hypoglycemia (which I didn t know about then) and an emotional trigger. I passed out in the operating room when I went in for carpal tunnel surgery. I thought I was going to have a general anesthetic, not the local they were doing. This was before I knew about the hypoglycemia. The surgeon at that time told me never to go into surgery again without some type of general anesthetic. They tell me not to eat for 6 hours before the epidural. To me that translates to low blood sugar and my tendency not to handle emotional stress (I have passed out 14 times). I have been run over by a boat and had both legs cut to the bone - didn t pass out; I have been first on an accident where a woman was killed - didn t pass out; I passed out while watching my wife have blood drawn - go figure. Should I ask the doctor for any different protocol prior to the surgery? Also, I also worry about possible negative interactions between the epidural and hypoglycemia. Should I be?