Hi, I m a 31 yr. old female. I m about 5ft.2in. and 110 pounds. A week ago Friday, I noticed that I wasn t producing as much urine as normal, though still making the same number of trips to the bathroom. Having had UTIs and kidney infections in the past, I thought it might be the beginning of one. I felt generally unwell over the weekend. Monday morning I had sharp pains in my lower back. I thought they might be small kidney stones passing. The sharp pain went away after about 2 hours (it had been off and on lasting 5 mins or so when it was most intense) and I was left with general but manageable pain. Tuesday afternoon, I began having problems breathing. It is as if my lungs couldn t fully expand, as if something was pushing up on them from below. When I tried to take a deep breath, it came out as a gasp for air. Sitting became difficult as whatever was not letting my lungs expand down was pushing up and was painful (this is on both lungs). The breathing problems have continued (I was able to do most of my normal routine, including exercising, though I did have to cut my run short) as has the pain. It s not continuous and is most acute when I m sitting and least when I m laying down. I had similar problems 3 years ago. Back then I had three kidney infections/UTIs close to each other and one massive kidney stone. I was refered to a urologist who said I had lots of little stones in my kidneys but that my kidneys were not swollen which I was I though was causing the difficulty in breathing and what was pushing on my lungs (I m not an expert on the anatomy of the human body so I had figured since it was my kidneys causing me problems, they were what was causing the breathing problems). However I was told that I had a 1 in. ovarian cyst and that was what was most likely causing the discomfort. So I went to my gyno. I hate going to gyno and had avoided going despite other problems I was having. My periods had become increasingly unmanageable. I had major hip pain whenever I had my period resulting in me barely being able to walk. Periods had become super heavy with large clumps of blood (almost ended up in hospital due to heavy blood loss. I couldn t go anywhere the heaviest day of my periods because I bleed so much.). I had an ultrasound that said the cyst was there but that the other symptoms (might not have mentioned them all) suggested I might have endometriosis but that could only be verified by surgery. Soon after, the hip pain and major blood loss disappeared so I didn t go back. For the most part, I ve been fine in the 3 years since having some flare ups of kidney stones (figured it was some of the small ones passing, I could feel them passing) and the hip pain and passing of blood clots (though nothing like before). And now everything has started to flare up again. Not only am I having problems breathing and sitting but there s a dull pain in my hip. I m in PMS right now or, at least I think I am, last month my period came earlier than anticipated. When I was having trouble 3 years ago, my periods would occur in either 3 week or 5 week intervals. So I don t know if I m going back to the uncertainity of not knowing. However, I feel generally PMS-ill. Also my knee hurts. About a year or so ago, my knee started hurting whenever I was PMSing. It hurts so bad at times that I can barely move (it s a similar stabbing pain as the one I used to get in my hip and that I feel is returning to my hip this go around). What doctor should I go to? GP? Urologist? Gyno? I cannot afford to spend money going around to a lot of different doctors and undergoing lots of different tests to figure this out. Thanks