For many years I have had painful gums on the upper right mouth, so had a tooth pulled hoping it would get better.
I kept having pain and swelling of the gums everytime I ate on the right, so ate on the left side, until one of my tooth broke half off. I couldnt afford to get it fixed, so ate on the right even though having a gap from the pulled tooth, but continued to have pain. About 5 or 6 months ago, I saw a Dentist, and he said it would be best to have teeth cleaned, and to get a bridge, and repair the broken tooth. It would all cost about $16,000, and no way I could even afford $100 since I am on SSI, and Medical doesnt pay for it. But the right upper top gum always hurts when I eat, and swells all the time. Not it is always swollen, painful, aching, and at first awhile back i noticed a very hard bump at the back top of the gum, and it has gotten real large. My cheeks ache, and noticed my bottom teeth all seem to be slipped a little off my upper teeth, like they are out of place. I constantly have pain in cheeks, and earaches on and off, and sometimes headaches. I think that part could be TMJ which I had before. But i mainly worry about the pain and swelling in my right side of gums and the large hard protrusion. I smoke and worried that it could be cancerous, or something, and I need some good advice. Amy