Hi, I m Lenzie & I m 18 years old & for the most part have always had irregular periods. When was in 7th grade, I was told I had cysts on my ovaries & that is what causes my periods to be irregular. In my average cycle there s normally anywhere from 30-32 days. But recently there s been 37 days in between periods. My flow is always heavy the first two days, with very bad cramping. I take naproxen to help with the pain.. recently, it hasnt been helping. I started my period yesterday. but, it was unusual. It was brown. & today, its very very heavy. Heavier than its ever been. I have bled threw my tampins twice. Ruining two pairs of underwear & pants. Once was this morning at about 8:30, the other was at 7:30 pm. I had changed my tampon in between these times, obviously. Each time, there was blood clots, which is not unusal for me to have. Also, I am having unprotected sex, & I know I shouldn t, but condoms -- latex & latex free-- really hurt me. They make me break out. I have never really been concerned about getting pregnant, because my doctor told me I couldn t. & my boyfriend lost a testicle his freshman year & his doctor told home he couldn t. I have no medical insurance now that I m 18 & I really can t afford it. So here I am. I guess my questions would have to be, Why isn t my naproxen helping me anymore? I know it s possible that we can both have kids, I read up on it... but, is there a chance I could be having a miscarriage? Is there anything I should be concerned about? Or am I just over reacting? Thank you.