Hi. My psychiatrist reduced Depakote from 750mg down to 500mg on 27th March to see if it would lift my low mood. She then went on holiday and I went to the stand in psychiatrist on 1st April for still low mood, he reduced Depakote further by another 250mg. I know my own psychiatrist would Never have done this - and when she came back she said it was a rapid reduction and the effects of it wouldn t be seen for another few week. Since last Sat have had a terrible time of it. SEVERE and frightening high and abnormal anxiety. I determined to see it through cos I don t like the psychiatric drugs, they make me feel worse and I m frightened of them. ANYWAY doc, for the last three days I have been miserable with a capital M. Could this latest symptm be a withdrawal effect? My bladder feels full to bursting ALL the time for the last 3 days, very uncomfortable and very scarey. Feels like it is going to explode. I have no retention of urine BUT, the unfortunate thing is that my bladder STILL feels like it is FULL to overflowing After passing normal amounts of urine. I keep going to the toilet to get relief but no relief comes. Took analgesia ALL day yesterday for it but it even worse today. Went to bed tonight praying that I d sleep and it be gone tomorrow, but I only slept for half an hour and up to toilet again. Fear I ll be up all night. Too scared to phone NHS 24 or hospital incase they take me in or put me on more drugs. But I can t carry on like this, my nerve won t stand it, it is very distressing to be bursting for the toilet even After being to the toilet. I put in a urine sample and it came back clear with no abnormalities. Would procylidine help with this?? Am very good at doing relaxation exercises, but it not helping one bit. Diazepam only makes me jittery. What would YOU do if I were your patient? HOW am I doing to get rid of this awful awful situation doc?? Optional Information: Person s Gender: Female Person s Age: 49 What have you tried so far?: Analgesia. making sure I am taking enough fluids. Relaxation exercises. Am worn out and very frightened. A feeling of your bladder going to explode for three whole days not very nice and I m miserable and scared